One of my relatives got placed in ****** recently.As part of his training,he is to view a set of slide shows that are hosted online.The time intervals are monitored so as to make sure that the slides are not just  clicked away.

Upon hearing all this,I thought of a solution for this,in case I end up in such a condition,especially if the slide show is boring and worthless!.(I have not seen his slide show,so I don't know whether it is good or bad :-) ).I googled to check for tools available to move mouse pointer on screen and to click.I came up with the solution,a package named xdotool,available under ubuntu linux(sudo apt-get install xdotool).

It provides a number of mouse functions like:
and ofcourse click

Along with the above said linux power,I blended the simplicity of python to develop a code to do what I needed.

Here is an online slideshow in which I tested the program.Just run the code,follow instructions and leave the computer to itself :-)!!!