Play a video using VLC or Totem and don't get expected results?
Ended up with VLC saying
"VLC does not support the audio or video format "h264". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this."
or Totem saying "Playing ...." but never plays?
I recently had the above troubles and as usual googled and found too many solutions,like this and ofcourse saying to reinstall the software.
Here is a fact that I didn't see anywhere else and the one that solved my problem.This might be the solution especially if you are a developer.

I recently tried to install PyMedia,which needed libraries like libogg which I complied and installed into my system.It had overrun the default drivers used by the above media players.
To check if it is the above problem,

1.Open the video in Totem.
2.Goto Help --> Report a problem
3.If the problem is same as mine you will get a dialog box as shown

4.Here is the solution.Delete the libogg file from the location specified in the error message.Also remove the links to the deleted file.
5.It works!!!!!!!!