FOSS has become more of a religion than a movement in the college campus.A religion is basically defined by using the ABC..Assure,Believe and Convert.The FOSS movement now does all of these.It assures you satisfaction of use,make you believe that it has all features of any other OS(which is ofcourse 98% true) and well,now it has started converting too.

As first step of conversion,we have successfully converted the Co-Operative store into Ubuntu,running the billing system on PHP.The process of conversion was easy as we did'nt have to go through the A & B of ABC,as the chiefs were already believers.The next conversion program is going to be held as part of the ISTE tech fest,which includes an Linux install fest,offering everyone customized flavors of the distribution of their choice.

The future targets are the labs relying for W******s for software's like Matlab,which is to be replaced by Scilab.Then comes the college office,which i doubt,has the largest number of non Linux systems in the whole college.This might be a worth a project (too small for a mini or main) and lot of work like learning the system,tasks involved etc.

Lets wish for a free,virus(upto a very large extent) free GEC!!!